A Guide to the Rare Beauty of Color Change Sapphire Gem

Color change sapphires are some of the most fascinating and rare gemstones in the world. As the name suggests, these incredible sapphires shift between different colors depending on the type of lighting. Delve into the magical beauty of these color-shifting gems with this informative guide.

What is a Color Change Sapphire Gemstone?

A color change sapphire is a variety of the corundum gemstone, the same mineral family that includes ruby and blue sapphire. Color change sapphires display different colors depending on the light source they are viewed under. This unusual phenomenon is called pleochroism.

In natural daylight, a color change sapphire will appear a vivid blue or violet blue. Under incandescent indoor light, that same stone shifts to a red, purple, or pinkish hue. This dramatic color transformation is unique to a very small percentage of premium quality sapphires.

Other key traits of color change sapphires:

  • Extremely rare – only 0.01% of corundum is color change
  • Natural unheated stones are most valued
  • Mineral corundum – same as ruby & blue sapphire
  • Mohs hardness of 9 (very durable gemstone)
  • Found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Tanzania
  • 1 to 5 carats, $800 to $5000+ per carat

The allure of a color change sapphire lies in its ability to display completely different exotic colors. This color-shifting phenomenon depends on how trace elements like chromium and vanadium interact with light.

The Optimal Color Change Sapphire stone.

The most desirable and dramatic color change sapphires will display a rich medium-dark violet or blueish green color under daylight or fluorescent light. Then indoors under incandescent light, the stone shifts to a vibrant raspberry, purple, or pinkish red hue.

This captivating color change from blue/green to red/purple is referred to as a “alexandrite-like” change. It showcases the full spectrum of the sapphire’s rare color change abilities. Stones that change to a redder color tend to be more valuable.

Some other color change combinations include:

  • Blue to violet
  • Teal to purple
  • Green to orange
  • Blue to pink

The intensity of change between the two colors should also be strong. Sapphires with a weak color change, or change to a brown, gray, or yellow shade tend to be less desirable. Choose a stone with vivid hues in both lighting types.

Evaluating Color Change Sapphire Quality

Color is the most important factor, but also evaluate these aspects of color change sapphire quality:

  • Clarity – Eye clean stones are ideal, but minor inclusions won’t affect appearance. Avoid large or numerous inclusions.
  • Cut – Well cut gems have excellent light reflection and face-up color. Common cuts are oval, cushion, and emerald.
  • Carat weight – 1 to 5 carats are typical. Larger stone are exponentially more rare and valuable.
  • Treatment – Unheated, untreated natural stones have the best color change. Confirm no diffusion or other enhancements were used.
  • Origin – Sri Lankan and Madagascan sapphires are prized, while Australian stones tend to be lighter color change.

With attention to these factors, you can select a truly exceptional one-of-a-kind color change sapphire.

Caring for Color Change Sapphire Jewelry

Sapphires rate 9 on the Mohs scale, making them very durable gems perfect for rings and jewelry worn frequently. Some care tips:

  • Clean using a gentle jewelry cleaner, warm water, and soft brush.
  • Avoid exposing sapphire to harsh chemicals, heat, or ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Store sapphire separately from other gems and metals to prevent scratching.
  • Consider removing sapphire rings before physical activities like exercise, gardening, etc.
  • Have the setting checked yearly to ensure prongs remain secure.

With occasional professional cleaning and inspection, your color change sapphire jewelry will shine forever.

Shop for Loose Color Change Sapphire Color

Many jewelers have limited or no color change sapphire inventory in stock. The best selection and prices are found shopping for loose sapphires online or at specialty gemstone dealers. These tips will help you find the perfect loose stone:

  • Review stone videos in different lighting conditions to evaluate color change.
  • Ask about where the stone was mined and any treatments done.
  • Request a gemological lab certificate from GIA or AGL ensuring natural origin.
  • The right jeweler can create a custom ring setting around your chosen loose sapphire.
  • Expect high prices – 1+ carat untreated stones often cost $2500 to $5000+ per carat.

While it takes effort to source, the payoff of finding that exceptional color changing sapphire will be well worth the search.

The Intriguing World of Color Change Gems

Sapphires are not the only gems to exhibit color change. Some other pleochroic stones include:

Alexandrite – The famed color change gem also shifts from green/bluish green to red/purplish red. Natural alexandrites are even more rare and expensive than sapphire.

Garnet – Certain garnets like rhodolite and color change pyrope garnet display a color shift from purple/red to orange/pink. Much more affordable than sapphire.

Spinel – Rare spinels can change from blue to pink or violet to purple.

Tourmaline – Some tourmalines show a blue to violet as well as green to red color change.

Diopside – A more recent color change discovery, diopside changes from green to burgundy or blue to violet shades.

Part of the appeal of color change gems lies in their mystique and uniqueness. If you love sapphires, be sure to also explore these other shape-shifting gemstone varieties!

The Magical Allure of Color Change Sapphires

From the deep blue oceans to the fiery sunsets, sapphires encompass all of nature’s colors. Color change sapphires especially capture this dazzling array in a single mesmerizing gem. As light transforms, so does your sapphire – a constant interplay between light and color. There’s no jewel quite like the rare color change sapphire to bring drama, intrigue, and personality to your special occasion jewelry.

Q: What is a color-change sapphire?

A: A color-change sapphire is a rare and magical gemstone that exhibits different colors under different lighting conditions. It can change from blue to violet or other colors such as purple or green.

Q: How does a color-change sapphire change color?

A: The color change in a color-change sapphire is due to the presence of different trace elements and the way the gem absorbs and reflects light. It is a fascinating phenomenon that makes these gemstones highly sought after.

Q: Is a color-change sapphire a type of sapphire?

A: Yes, a color-change sapphire is a type of sapphire. Sapphire is a gem variety of the mineral corundum, and color-change sapphires are a special variety that exhibits color change under different lighting conditions.

Q: Where are color-change sapphires found?

A: Color-change sapphires are found in various locations around the world, including Madagascar, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, and other areas rich in corundum deposits.

Q: Are all color-change sapphires natural?

A: Not all color-change sapphires are natural. Some may undergo treatments to enhance their color or improve their clarity. It is important to look for natural unheated color-change sapphires if you prefer gemstones in their purest form.

Q: Can color-change sapphires be used as birthstones?

A: Yes, color-change sapphires can be used as birthstones. They are an alternative birthstone for the month of September, along with blue sapphires. They are also considered symbolic of the 45th wedding anniversary.

Q: Do all color-change sapphires change from blue to violet?

A: No, not all color-change sapphires change from blue to violet. While blue to violet is a common color change, color-change sapphires can exhibit a range of color changes, including from purple to pink, teal to green, and yellow to orange.

Q: How is the value of a color-change sapphire determined?

A: The value of a color-change sapphire is determined by several factors, including the intensity of the color change, the clarity of the gemstone, its carat weight, and the overall quality of the cut and craftsmanship.

Q: Are color-change sapphires rare?

A: Yes, color-change sapphires are considered rare gemstones. The combination of their unusual color-changing properties and the scarcity of high-quality specimens makes them highly prized among gemstone enthusiasts and collectors.

Q: Can color-change sapphires display asterism (star effect)?

A: Yes, some color-change sapphires can display asterism, also known as the star effect. This occurs when needle-like inclusions reflect light, creating a star-like pattern on the surface of the gemstone.