yellow sapphires


November’s next birthstone, citrine, is that the variety of quartz that ranges from light yellow to brown orange in color.
It takes its title in the citron fruit due to these lemon-inspired shades.
The light yellow color of citrine closely resembles topaz, which explains why November’s two birthstones have been so readily confused during history.
Citrine’s yellow hues are caused by traces of iron in quartz crystals. This occurs rarely in nature, therefore many citrines on the market are created by heat treating different kinds of quartz–usually the more ordinary,
less costly purple amethyst and smoky quartz–to produce golden gems.
Brazil is the greatest provider of citrine. It may release negative emotions, spark creativity and establish new beginnings.
It’s even known as the “merchant’s stone” for its propensity to draw wealth and prosperity.
Citrine quartz was adored since early times. The name citrine was used to refer to yellow gems as ancient as 1385, once the word was first recorded in English. But because the gem’s color closely stirred topaz, these two November birthstones shared a history of confused identities.
Quartz and topaz are in fact unrelated mineral species. But before these differences were clear, many cultures known as citrine (the yellow variety of quartz) by additional titles such as stone topaz, Madeira or Spanish topaz–leading to the confusion.
Throughout background, people considered that citrine carried exactly the very same forces as topaz, for example, the capacity to calm tempers, soothe anger and attest desires, especially prosperity.
To leverage those powers, Egyptians utilized citrine stone as talismans, the early Greeks carved iconic images into them, and Roman priests built them into rings.
A vital discovery gave citrine a boost of fame in the mid-18th century.
Mineralogists realized that amethyst and smoky quartz may be heat treated to make lemony and golden honey colors of citrine, leading to a wealth of cheap improved stones on the market.
Once citrine was distinguished from topaz, it became popular in women’s jewelry in addition to men’s cufflinks and rings.
These days, it remains one of the most affordable and often bought yellow gemstones.